1 Principles of investigation, diagnosis and treatment

SECTION 1: Hard Tissue Pathology

2 Disorders of tooth development

3 Disorders of development

4 Dental caries

5 Pulpitis and apical periodontitis

6 Tooth wear, resorption, hypercementosis and osseointegration

7 Gingival and periodontal diseases

8 Infections of the jaws

9 Major infections of the mouth and face

10 Cysts in and around the jaws

11 Odontogenic tumours and related jaw lesions

12 Non-odontogenic tumours of the jaws

13 Genetic, metabolic and other non-neoplastic bone diseases

14 Disorders of the temporomandibular joints and trismus


SECTION 2: Soft Tissue Disease

15 Diseases of the oral mucosa: mucosal infections

16 Diseases of the oral mucosa: non-infective stomatitis

17 Tongue disorders

18 Benign chronic white mucosal lesions

19 Potentially malignant disorders

20 Oral cancer

21 Other mucosal and lip carcinomas

22 Non-neoplastic diseases of salivary glands

23 Salivary gland neoplasms

24 Benign mucosal swellings

25 Soft tissue tumours

26 Oral pigmented lesions


SECTION 3: Systemic Disease in Dentistry

27 Anaemias, leukaemias and lymphomas

28 Haemorrhagic disorders

29 Immunodeficiency

30 Allergy, autoimmune and autoinflammatory disease

31 Cervical lymphadenopathy

32 Cardiovascular disease

33 Respiratory tract disease

34 Gastrointestinal and liver disease

35 Nutritional deficiencies

36 Endocrine disorders and pregnancy

37 Renal disease

38 Pain and neurological disorders

39 Physical and learning disability

40 Mental health disorders

41 Dentistry and elderly patients

42 Complications of systemic drug treatment

43 Medical emergencies


SECTION 4: Self-Assessment Questions and Learning Guides

44 Learning guide

Self-assessment questions